We contribute to the improvement of road and their maintenance, which has allowed us to significantly lower their accident rate. Our projects include studies of traffic, gradient calculations, signpost and lighting.
We have also been able to collaborate in the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads with the Road Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Main developments
Design work of local improvement. Improvement of junctions. Roundabout on the road C-31B, PK 9 470.
Management of the work and health and safety coordination of the reinforcement project of the firm of the T-1 800 344 PK to PK 5 010 Amposta-Masdenverge.
Generalitat de Catalunya
Project drafting and adaptation of the elements of containment for vehicles on the road T-710 0 710 00 0000 PK and PK 9 900 to 14 300. Section Falset-la Vilella Baixa.
Generalitat de Catalunya
Work manadgment for the design of the roundabout "Alfacs" ' of the former road N-340 in the area of Alcanar-Beach in the municipality of Alcanar (Montsià).
Alcanar Council Project
Modification project of Bot in Horta de Sant Joan through the l'Horta del Frares.. Phase 2. Update and modification of the route. Municipalities of Horta de Sant Joan and Bot (Terra Alta).
We carry out the monitoring and control, the production and maintenance of roads with the aim of improving the intersection and lower accident rates